Sumrin Toendra 
(Photo : needs to be found from archive)

Owner: Various
Born: 1991

Sumrin Toendra was born in 1991. Toendra was the first filly we bred by Vechtzicht's Harmony and in fact also the most expensive we have ever sold.

Her new owner didn't show her at all, but she was a prolific breeding mare, most notably the mares Vrilkhoven's Leslie by Biesdeel's Planed and Heidezicht's Daisy by Gulden Hoef's Amadeus.

Sumrin Toendra Vechtzicht's Harmony Vechtzicht's Lightfeet Twyford Pepper Rowfant Possum
Twyford Peri
Astrid Bywiog Lord Ted
Maesgwyn Cinders
Springbourne Hyflyn Sprongbourne Caregan Revel Carreg
Belvoir Columbine
Springbourne Hyfwyn Treharne Tomboy
Springbourne Hyfryd
Dyrin Tina Dyrin Martini Criban Bantam Bolgoed Shot Star
Criban Brenda
Cwmowen Nutshell Dyrin Athlete
Cwmowen Lady
Dyrin Grey Dawn Gaerstone Viscount Bowdler Blue Boy
Gaerstone Margaret
Orgwm Dawn Gaerstone Viscount
Orgwm Daydream